卓越体验 The golden taste of success
After conquering Europe and the USA, the French Banquet d’Or®’s exceptional offerings are now coming to Asia, enabling you to share the delicious taste and delicate texture of our golden bakery products. Easy to bake and serve, Banquet d’Or® makes authentic, appealing treats and delicacies more accessible than ever. These delicacies will make you feel like you’re travelling to Europe.

匠心 品质 Our golden circle
Banquet d’Or®在传统与流行之间架起桥梁, 亚洲消费者不用出国门,便可享受到新鲜出炉 的美食。“黄金”不仅代表着绝佳美味,同时也 意味着作为合作伙伴的您,也将因此而成功。
Just by tasting our products, your clients will experience the Western pleasure and lifestyle. Banquet d’Or® creates a bridge between authenticity and the trends of today, and will let people all over Asia enjoy gold from the oven. Gold in the sense of great taste for your customer, but also as in winning products and success for you as a business owner

易于操作的烘焙体验,让您轻松成功。相关产 品培训,现代技术和独特工艺的引入,学习与 成长之旅一气呵成。与此同时,秉持着对自然 的保护和尊重,营造可持续性有生命力的产品 和企业文化。
Banquet d’Or® offers convenience and easiness. We make it convenient to enjoy our products, and easy to gain success with them - through their delicious taste and delicate texture. We make it easy for you to learn and develop, by offering you training and inspiration and by introducing modern techniques and unique technologies. We have sustainability baked in our entire way of working

美味源于优质 Great tasting quality products
我们坚信,食物应该带给人愉悦。Vandemoortele 为专业人士提 供便利的烘焙解决方案,也为消费者奉上值得信赖的食物。 产 品通过冷链供应,便于厨房备餐。不论是新鲜、预发酵、预烘焙 的,或者是随时可解冻的——一切取决于客户需求。
We believe people should enjoy their everyday food, from breakfast to dinner, from healthy lunches to indulgent moments. We offer convenient baking solutions for professionals and products your consumers can trust. Our products are always supplied frozen for easy preparation in your kitchen. They come either raw, pre-proofed, pre-baked, or ready to defrost – we offer everything you need.

黄金” 合作伙伴 A Golden Partnership
烹饪世界的变化日 新月异Vandemoortele的回应是,通过创新及 独有技术,提供全新产品和创造性解决方案。
New flavours, techniques and trends…
The culinary world changes fast. The response of our team is delivering new products and creative solutions – with innovative and unique techniques.

行业领先 An established company
Vandemoortele®是一家业内领先的欧洲食品集团,生产并销售优 质食品。集团专注于两大领域:烘焙产品,人造黄油、食用油及油脂。
Vandemoortele® is a leading European food group that manufactures and sells high quality food products. Vandemoortele® focuses on two activities: Bakery Products and Margarines, Culinary Oils & Fats.

Vandemoortele®,热爱人类共同的地球家 园。我们呈现的美食兼具创新性和可持续 性,传递幸福快乐。我们的三个目标,是面 向未来做出的承诺。
At Vandemoortele®, we show how much we care about our planet. Our tasty foods are innovative and sustainable and inspire moments of happiness. Three goals define our commitments for the future.
Discover Our Authentically-Crafted Baked Goods
不仅是产品 Bake’Up®
独家技术,一款面团,可轻松制作各种可口美味。清洁标 签,无添加, 生意上的解决方案,无需发酵和上釉,从冰 箱到烤箱,一气呵成,省时、省空间、更省钱。
Discover our unique technology, full of advantages. A Clean Label solution, saving you space, and offering you a versatile dough to make sweet and savoury creations. From freezer to oven, no proving, no glazing necessary